Asbury - Otterbein JOY Group

JOY (Just Older Youth) group is a program designed for the senior adults
at Asbury and Otterbein United Methodist Churches as a way to stay
connected through fellowship and faith with others. There is a monthly
luncheon with a speaker that is held in Otterbein's Memorial Hall.
JOY meets every second Thursday of the month at noon for a boxed lunch and program. Social half-hour starts at 11:30 AM. The cost is $10.00 per person (paid at the door) and includes a boxed lunch, program, and wonderful fellowship. Reservations are required for the box lunch and those signing up are asked to pay for their lunch even if they are unable to attend. There is no cost to attend just the program and not eat lunch. All are welcome to attend meetings and trips, regardless of age and church membership.
The first JOY meeting was held at Asbury in November 2005, and continued there until Asbury was undergoing a renovation in 2014-2015. As JOY could no longer meet at Asbury during renovation, the JOY members reached out to Otterbein UMC to see if the group could meet here. The Otterbein seniors were invited to join, and the move worked so well the name officially became “Asbury-Otterbein JOY Group.”
All meetings are held at Otterbein UMC (excellent parking facilities).
The pandemic stopped the meetings in 2020; but they have started
up once again with programs and box lunches from a local restaurant.
(Thanks to Nancy Hodges, Asbury Historian)
For more information, contact Lucy Powell at lucypowell@comcast.net.