Sunday School

We have two classes currently meeting:
The Faith Builders and Adult Sunday School classes are meeting together at 9:30 am
in Room 206.
The "Other Room" Sunday School class meets
in Room 204 beginning at 9:30 am. Everyone is welcome - we have youth, parents, and retirees!
Our Classes
Two year olds through sixth grade. Classes involve music, Bible study lessons and crafts.
Seventh grade and up. The class studies and discusses Bible-based materials and meets once a month for "Hands-On Mission" to prepare food for Soup Kitchen.
Singles and couples study and discuss Bible-based books.
Faith Builders
A middle-aged class for singles and couples with weekly rotating teachers. This class uses the Uniform Series of International Adult Bible Study.
A class for mature singles and couples with weekly rotating teachers. This class also uses the Uniform Series of International Adult Bible Study.